What I'm currently reading
October 9, 2012
While on holiday in NZ I came across the book 344 Questions by Stephan G. Bucher, it's a whole book written with questions in a kind of mind map / cartoon speech bubble format. All the questions are for creatives to ask themselves and get clarity in their work / projects.
I've been working through it now for about a month and am finding it really helpful for the business side of things and for getting some great ideas towards idea generation, which is always something that gets put on the back burner for me when things get busy.
One of the questions that really made me think was: Do you think the work speaks for itself?
I of course in my fantasy world of idealism answered YES of course you fool! but then the further I read on it really made me realize that I was completely wrong. There is a lot of tepid work that gets a ton of recognition because as good as the work is, unless you back it up and do some self marketing (which I always feel like a bit of a wank-pot for doing) your work doesn't get noticed.
I'm not too sure how to start speaking for my work just yet but hopefully I'll get a little better at it and maybe I'll even master twitter while I'm at it. It just makes no sense to me this whole twitter business... it makes me feel like a 89 year old trying to figure out how to play Pokemon. If your after a fun book to delve deeper into your creative side, I really recommend giving the book a shot, it's way more fun than my pokemon scenario.
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Great post; your explanation of how you feel about twitter made me laugh. I feel the same way! I have no idea how to use it effectively. If you learn, please share!
Hahaha! thanks :) I'll be sure to pass on my knowledge of twitter... if I ever figure it out!